ハイエンドカーのオーナーの皆様はもちろん、より一般的なクルマ好きの皆様にも私たちLIBERTY WALKの作品を楽しんでいただきたい。
どの部分を見てもまさにLIBERTY WALK流と言うべきもの。
それでいて、“小さなGクラス”と表現できる「G mini」(スズキ・ジムニー)、NSXのようにシャープなフォルムを誇る「SSX-660R / 660」(ホンダS660)、日産GT-Rをデザインモチーフにした「GT-K」(ダイハツ・コペン)など、
From high end supercar owners to your average car enthusiast, we want everyone to be able to enjoy LIBERTY WALK products! That is why we have introduced our brand new entry series called lb★nation !
From Japanese cars to Imports as well, we hope everyone can enjoy a LIBERTY WALK look on their own car! We took the Suzuki Jimny and created a mini G-class wagon called the G Mini. We took the Honda S660 and created the SSX-660R/660 Mini NSX! The Daihatsu Copen has become the base for our mini- GT-R; called the GT-K. With LIBERTY WALK, even small cute cars like these become unique and fun mini- supercars!!