より洗練されて登場したトヨタ・ランドクルーザー(300系)用やメルセデスAMG G63用はハイエンドカーオーナーの皆様の日常生活にもマッチするよう、比較的ライトな造形ながら
また、JEEPラングラー(JL)用ではワイドフェンダーにピアスボルトをアレンジし、私たちLiberty Walk流の遊び心を表現しました。
「LB-WORKS」ほどには過剰に車高を落とすことなく、SUVに本来備わる魅力を保ったまま、自己主張を程良く増幅させる「LB-WORKS SUV」の各モデル。
どのボディキットにもLiberty Walkの息吹が宿っているのです。
LB WORKS wants you to always have fun experiencing the best the world has to offer!! Continuing with that commitment, we are proud to announce our entry into the booming worldwide SUV market!
With the introduction of the very sophisticated Toyota Land Cruiser 300 Series and the Mercedes AMG G63, we have created SUV body kits to perfectly match the daily driver SUVs of high end luxury car owners! Our new body kits for these SUVs are subtle, but like every design from LB-WORKS; they are fun too!
For Jeep Wrangler JL owners, we designed wide fenders that attach with pierce bolts; aggressive and fun at the same time!
LB-WORKS has become infamous for slamming cars low to the ground, but the new LB-WORKS SUV line-up is about respecting what an SUV was built to do, while allowing you to personalize it, make it your own and most importantly have fun he LB-WORKS way!