“グラチャン”を戦ったシルエットフォーミュラのレーシングカーをモチーフに、ルーフとドア以外のほぼ全てに渡って私たちLIBERTY WALKの世界観を表現。
LIBERTY WALKと言えば“ワークスフェンダー”。世界ではそのように認識されています。
これを成し得たのは日本の改造文化にこだわり続けてきたLIBERTY WALKだからこそ。
In 2018, we were honored to release the latest evolution in our LB-Works line up: LB SILHOUETTE WORKS GT.
While keeping with the proud tradition of Japan Grand Champion Series Silhouette Cars, we have revolutionized the way LB-WORKS cars are built! Every panel on the car, with the exception of the roof and doors, will now be our new, innovative, wide-body, full panel replacements.
LIBERTY WALK is known around the world for its “Works Fenders,” aka- aggressive wide-body designs. It has taken years of pain-staking development, but we now offer an innovative way to have the LB-WORKS look by simply replacing full body panels on your car.
It is our unique Japanese background and years of custom car building that have brought LIBERTY WALK to the point it is today!
As a new part of the LB-WORKS line up, LB SILHOUETTE WORKS GT will continue to define LIBERTY WALK for years to come.